Summary: Coverage of American troops taking over German trucks, planes, guns, and locomotives and the Allied Military representatives to the International Armistice Commission held at the Hotel Britanique, Spa, Belgium. Reel 1: MLS of a gantry crane unloading a locomotive from the SS Yellowstone. Saint-Nazaire, Loire-Inferieure, France, 19 November 1918. 25') MLS high angle, pan left to show the town of Spa, Belgium. 70') MS German sentry standing beside sign on steel picket fence -- sign reads: INTERNATIONAL ARMISTICE COMMISSION -- a British officer walks through and out scene left. 77') MS group of German soldiers standing in front of bui1ding -- sign on building: GRAND HOTEL Britanique (this building, which formerly served as German Headquarters, is where the International Armistice Commission met; and it was here that the Kaiser signed his abdication). 87') MS of company of Scottish Highlander so1diers marching on a street in Spa, Belgium. 104') MS to CU of members of the American Armistice Commission walking toward and past camera on a dirt road -- American Armistice Commission Headquarters in bg. 122') MCU of Maj. Gen. Sir John Adye, K.C.M.B., C.B., British Army, and his aide getting out of an automobile. 127') MS of Capt. R.E. Williamson of the Armistice Commission talking with a German sentry on a street, Spa, Belgium December 6, 1918. 132') MS of British Maj. Gen. Sir John Adye standing beside an automobile. 142') MS of two officers, possibly German, of the International Armistice Commission walking toward camera and entering the Hotel Britanique. 152') MS of Maj. Gen. Delobe of the Belgian Army and his aide standing on sidewalk -- building in bg. 164') MS of main entrance to Hotel Britanique -- officer enters hotel. 166') MS of Lt. Gen. Haking and Brig. Gen. Greene, British Army, standing on sidwalk -- building in bg. 177') MS pan right with an officer entering the Hote1 Britanique. 182') MS of Maj. Gen. Charles D. Rhodes, U.S. Army, and Maj. Gen. Nudant, French Army, standing on sidewa1k -- severa1 automobiles pass through scene in bg. 202') MCU of military officers of the International Armistice Commission walking toward and past camera. 235') MS of large number of British soldiers marching on a street, Spa, Belgium. 250') MS of American soldiers marching on a street in Spa, Belgium -- civilians standing in right frame. 256') MS of two Signal Corps officers, Maj. Loy and Maj. Ramsey; and Lt. Schellens and Lt. Walther of the German Army and driver seated in a U.S. Army touring car in a street in Spa, Belgium. 271') MLS of Headquarters of the French Commission which was formerly occupied by Kaiser Wilhelm. 282') MS of Headquarters of the British Commission formerly the residence of Gen. Eric Ludendorf. 301') MS of two soldiers and two civilians inspecting the steel door of Kaiser Wilhelms dugout. 313') MS of table, chairs and telephone in Field Marshal Von Hindenburg's dugout. 319') MLS high angle of the Hotel Britanique. 323') MS of the military officers of the Interrational Armistice Commission leaving the Hotel Britanique and walking out right frame. 365') MS pan right with military officers of the International Armistice Commission. 412') MCU pan right with high ranking military officers of the International Commission including Maj. Gen. Sir John Adye, British Army; Maj. Gen. Delobe, Belgian Army; Lt. Gen. Haking, British Army; Brig. Gen. Greene, British Army; Maj. Gen. Charles D. Rhodes, U.S. Army; and Maj. Gen. Nudant, French Army. 453') MS pan right to show members of the American Armistice Commission standing in front of the American Armistice Commission Headquarters, showing 1st Lt. Frederick R. Wulsin; Capt. William C. White; 2nd Lt. Sidney E. Hopkins; Maj. David E. Reed; Maj. Arthur J. Slade; Col. Samuel E. Shartle; Maj. Gen. Charles D. Rhodes; Col. Van Rennselaer C. King; Lt. Col. Lewis A. Craig; Capt. Joseph K. Fornance; Capt. Raymond E. S. Williamson; Capt. Francis W. Bradley; Capt. Sanford Griffith; and, Capt. Hoffman Nickerson. 468') MS of Maj. Gen. Rhodes talking with two other US officers -- Ameerican Armistice Commission Headquarters in bg. 482') Total footage in reel. Reel 2: MLS high angle, large number of WW I German trucks parked in a field at Falkenstein Barracks, Coblenz, Germary, 9 January 1919. Trucks are to be turned over to Allies. 3') MLS of several German locomotives -- crewmen stand in front of the engine roundhouse. 8') MS high angle of eight German cannons, four muzzle loading and four breech loading which were taken from the Fortress Ehrenbreitstein, lined up in two rows. 12') MS 1eft RV of mechanics standing on wing of a German Fokker D-7 airplane -- an officer enters left frame and walks to aircraft. 16') MS large number of German trucks which are to be turned over to the Uhited States lined up on a road. 20') MS high angle of a German WW I truck driven by an American soldier pulling a caisson and a field artillery piece on a dirt road out right frame -- other German trucks, caissons and field artillery pieces parked in bg. 25') MCU FV of a large caliber German field artillery piece. 29') MLS high angle, pan left with three horse-drawn wagons moving on a dirt road between two rows of parked German trucks -- the three horse-drawn carts enter the village of Montabaur -- near the outskirts of the village there is another road lined with German trucks. 81') MS of German soldiers, standing beside German trucks being guarded by an American soldier. 9l') Several scenes of US Army Capt. Bennet Bronson with German Lts. Stabbler and Franken checking one of the trucks lined up on a road, which are guarded by Americans. 207') Sequence of scenes from camera on back of a truck, showing a large number of German trucks lined up on one side of a road. 272') MLS high angle, pan left to show a large number of German trucks parked at the Falkenstein Barracks, Coblenz, Germany, 9 January 1919. 301') MS nine German trucks, driven by American soldiers, pulling out of the M.T.C. Headquarters garage, executing a 90 degree left turn, and passing in front of camera and out left frame -- the first truck is carrying an American flag. 352') Series of scenes showing German trucks driven by American soldiers underway on streets of a city, through the countryside and through a village, and trucks pulling caissons and field artillery pieces underway through a village and 1eaving the 3d Army Corps Artillery Park. 6l3') MCU two signs, upside down, one in German and one in American, reading: CANNONS HANDED OVER BY THE GERMAN ARMS ACCORDING TO S4 OF THE STIPULATION OF ARMISTICE. 631') MS high angle, pan right to show 19 German field artillery pieces inside a building. 689') Several scenes of German Lt. Col. Schmidt and several guards after surrendering guns and ammunition to the 1st Division Headquarters at Landres, France, and Lt. Schmidt and his guards leaving 1st Division Headquarters in a horse-drawn cart, riding horses and bicycles -- Allied soldiers watching, 18 November 1918. 746') Series of scenes of American soldiers removing German field artillery pieces from the Fortress Ehrenbreitstein and the guns from the fort lined up in a field. 809') MS two American soldiers inspecting a large caliber gun in the fort. 827') MLS high angle, pan right with a large number of German soldiers and civilians in a field where a large number of German field artillery pieces are parked -- several American soldiers are walking in the field. 851') MS several American soldiers inspecting two German field artillery pieces and two of the soldiers looking into the gun barrels. 866') Total footage in reel. Reel 3: MS of the fuselage of a German Pfalz D3A airplane being unloaded from a box car at the railway station Cob1enz, Germany, 4 January 1919. 23') MS of a truck pulling the fuselage of a German Albatros D5 fighter away from camera -- three German soldiers are standing in the back of the truck and several American soldiers and another truck in right fame. 42') Sequence of scenes of members of the 463rd Aero Squadron erecting wooden framed, canvas-walled, portable hangars to house German aircraft. 116') MS group of French, American, and British officers standing in a field near a portable hangar -- camera pans right to two German Fokker D7's being fueled. MS of a group of French and American officers including Brig. Gen. William Mitchell inspecting a German Fokker D7. 159') MS four German Air officers standing beside the wing of a Fokker D7, camera pans right to show man fueling the aircraft -- canvas hangar and group of American, British, and French officers in bg. 173') MS German pilot Schroeder climbing into cockpit of a Fokker D7 -- a civilian climbs up onto wing and leans into cockpit of aircraft. 191') MS FV of a German officer turning the prop on a Fokker D7 -- two civilians standing in left fg. 199') MCU German pilot Schroeder seated in cockpit of the Fokker D7. 208') MS FV of a parked Fokker D7 with engine running -- several German officers and two civilians in fg. 221') MS several American Army officers looking up at sky. 229') MLS members of the 463rd Aero Squad putting a support into place on a wooden framed canvas-covered hangar. 235') MLS of a Fokker D7 landing -- Brig. Gen. Mitchell talking with several American officers in fg. 245') Several scenes of American soldiers inspecting a crashed Pfa1z D3A, Coblens, Germany, 2 January 1919. 276') Several scenes of Lt. Col. F. W. Bowley and Capt. M. F. Cooper with two German officers inspecting the heavy artillery which was turned over by the Germans Armistice terms and marking the guns "inspected," Metternich, Germany, 26 December 1918. 305') Sequence of scenes of a group of U.S. Army officers inspecting a number of German large caliber, heavy field artillery pieces. 382') MS group of U.S. Army officers standing beside a large German field artillery piece -- left to right; Gen. James B. Privers; Lt. Col. Howard King; Col. Matthais Crowley; Col. Hunt; Lt. Col. J. D. Burnett; Lt. Charles Cox; Gen. Trivin; and Capt. S. R. Epperson, Spincourt, France, 19 November 1918. 395') MS two 42 caliber tractor drawn rifles left at the station at Spincourt by the Germans -- railway station in bg. 399') Sequence of scenes of American soldiers guarding German field artillery pieces on railroad cars, a number of field artillery pieces and infantry rif1es stacked up in the railroad yards, American soldiers movingseveral field pieces out of the railroad yards and unloading one from a flat bed railroad car, a large number of Amrican soldiers rolling a flat bed railroad car loaded with a German field artillery piece toward a loading dock and Berman and American officers inspecting railroad flat bed cars loaded with field artillery pieces. Metternich and Lutzel-Coblenz, Germany, 25 December 1918. Snow on ground in all scenes. 502') MLS right SV pan right with a string of 11 railroad locomotives passing through scene and out right frame along the Rhine River which is in fg -- German village of Ehrenbreitstein in fg, 29 December 1918. 519') Series of scenes of a Prussian engine arriving from Germany at a railroad yard, the engine being inspected by American soldiers and two American soldiers stenciling "U.S.A." on the coal tender. 366') MS string of 11 German engines each with "U.S.A." stenciled on the coal tender, in a railroad yard moving through scene and out right frame -- American soldiers are riding on the engines and inspecting them as they move. 642') MS German engineer and fireman debarking from cab of railroad locomotive and an American Army engineer and fireman climbing up into cab. 664') MS high angle, large number of German engines, which have been truned over to the Allies, in a railroad yard. 682') MLS high angle, pan right to show a large number of German locomotives parked in a roundhouse -- German railroad crewmen standing in front of th eengines. 711') MS of locomotive car inspectors of the Inter-Allied Commission for the Reception of German Railway Material, and the members of the German Commission of Mechanics, who are supervising the turn-over of material, left to right: 2nd Lt. S. R. Harper; Capt. V. Godshall; Maj. N. F. Brown; Capt. W. G. Knight; and the German Commission, Joseph BRukner; David Trops; Edward Scherl; George Bibus and Theodore Meyer standing beside a German locomotive. Metz, Lorraine, France, 20 February 1919. MCU of a plaque of the German Royal family bolted to the side of a locomotive cab. 742') Fade-in of "U.S.A." stenciled on the side of a coal tender. 754') Total footage in reel. Good (Basic: Dupe neg)